Release Cinderella in Best Look
Now you can see Cinderella in High Quality Video with duration 112 Min and was published in 2015-03-13 and MPAA rating is 844.- Original Title : Cinderella
- Movie title in your country : Cinderella
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Romance, Fantasy, Family, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-03-13
- Companies of movie : Walt Disney Pictures, Genre Films, Beagle Pug Films, Allison Shearmur Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 112 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.9
- Youtube ID of movie : IZMbv7d8Uw4
- Cast of movie :Lily James (Cinderella), Cate Blanchett (Lady Tremaine), Richard Madden (Prince "Kit" Charming), Helena Bonham Carter (Fairy Godmother), Holliday Grainger (Anastasia), Sophie McShera (Drizella), Hayley Atwell (Cinderella's Mother), Stellan Skarsgård (Grand Duke), Nonso Anozie (Captain), Derek Jacobi (The King), Ben Chaplin (Cinderella's Father), Laurie Calvert (Chief Guard Cassius), Leila Wong (Princess Mei Mei), Rob Brydon (Master Phineus), Eloise Webb (Cinderella (10 years)), Gareth Mason (Goose Coachman), Nari Blair-Mangat (Prince's Retinue Member), Richard McCabe (Baron), Adetomiwa Edun (Trooper), Jana Perez (Princess Chelina of Zaragosa), Alex MacQueen (Royal Crier), Tom Edden (Lizard Footman), Paul Hunter (Farmer), Joshua McGuire (Palace Official), Matthew Steer (Halberdier), Mimi Ndiweni (Slipper Lady), Laura Elsworthy (Slipper Lady), Ella Smith (Slipper Lady), Ann Davies (Slipper Lady), Gerard Horan (Lord Veneering), Katie West (Cook), Daniel Tuite (Gardener), Anjana Vasan (Maid), Stuart Neal (Stable Boy), Joseph Kloska (Royal Crier's Assistant), Andy Apollo (Prince's Retinue Member), Jonny Owen-Last (Prince's Retinue Member), Michael Jenn (King's Doctor), Josh O'Connor (Ballroom Palace Guard), Andrew Fitch (Fencer), Sean Francis George (Ball Guest), Greg Lockett (Fencer (as Gregory Lockett)), Bhanu Alley (Visiting Dignitary (uncredited)), Elina Alminas (Princess Valentina (uncredited)), Scherrikar Bell (Townsperson / Ball Guest (uncredited)), Francesca Bennett (Latin Noblewoman (uncredited)), Sophie-Anna Brough (Ball Guest (uncredited)), Arielle Campbell (Ball Dancer (uncredited)), Janet Dawe (Townsperson / Onion Seller (uncredited)), Robert J. Fraser (Townsperson (uncredited)), Melissa Galloway (Ball Guest (uncredited)), Monique Geraghty (Princess Sasia of Arabia (uncredited)), Riley Halden (Townsperson (uncredited)), John W.G. Harley (Courtier Guest (uncredited)), Ant Henson (Palace Footman (uncredited)), Rajesh Kalhan (Nobleman (uncredited)), Sayed Kassem (Ball Guest (uncredited)), Joe Kennard (Palace Guard (uncredited)), Victoria Ann Kenway (Ball Guest (uncredited)), Alex Marek (Palace Guard (uncredited)), Barrie Martin (Gentleman (uncredited)), Henry McCook (Palace Footman (uncredited)), João Costa Menezes (Ball Dancer (uncredited)), Bronwyn Pearson (Hopeful Maiden (uncredited)), Gino Picciano (Ball Guest (uncredited)), Jd Roth-round (Palace Guard (uncredited)), Julian Seager (Townsperson / Tavern Drinker (uncredited)), Sarah Sharman (Market Trader (uncredited)), Drew Sheridan-Wheeler (Nicolas Golding (uncredited)), Peter Stacey (Fisherman (uncredited)), Zizi Strallen (Ball Guest (uncredited)), Tom Swacha (Footman (uncredited)), Georgie-May Tearle (Townsperson / Courtier / Ball Guest (uncredited)), Dolapo Umar (Slipper Maiden / Townsperson (uncredited)), Charlotte Worwood (Wealthy Maiden (uncredited)), Elliott Wright (Palace Guard (uncredited)), Craig Mather (Prince's Retinue Member), Alex Gillison (Townsperson (uncredited))
Movie summary of Cinderella :
Best Cinderella in Top Quality with movie summary "When her father unexpectedly passes away, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her daughters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger in the woods." in High Quality Video. Play full Cinderella in Best Look by viewing the download link.
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... Full Cinderella in HD Format 1080p ...
Screenplay : Aline Brosh McKenna, Screenplay : Chris Weitz, Producer : Simon Kinberg, Director : Kenneth Branagh, Costume Design : Sandy Powell, Producer : David Barron, Executive Producer : Tim Lewis, Producer : Tim Lewis, Executive Producer : Barry H. Waldman, Music : Patrick Doyle, Cinematography : Haris Zambarloukos, Editor : Martin Walsh, Casting : Lucy Bevan, Production Design : Dante Ferretti, Art Direction : Ravi Bansal, Art Direction : Anthony Caron-Delion, Supervising Art Director : Gary Freeman, Supervising Art Director : Paul Laugier, Supervising Art Director : Stuart Rose, Art Direction : Leslie Tomkins, Set Decoration : Casey Banwell, Set Decoration : Francesca Lo Schiavo, Production Controller : Jimmy Yuill
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Tags: cinderella, magic, fairy tale, princess, shoe, retelling, walt disney,
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