Full Streaming Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents in Best Quality
Now you can watch full Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents in top video format with duration 90 Min and was published in 2015-02-06 and MPAA rating is 1.- Original Title : Dora oder Die sexuellen Neurosen unserer Eltern
- Movie title in your country : Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Family, Drama, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-02-06
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie : Germany, Switzerland,
- Language of movie : Deutsch,
- Durationof movie : 90 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.5
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,ES,
- Actors of movie :Victoria Schulz (Dora), Jenny Schily (Kristin), Lars Eidinger (Peter), Urs Jucker (Felix), Dennis Oestreich (Spaziergänger mit reizender Dame)
Movie synopsis of Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents :
Best Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents in Best Quality with movie plot "After her mother decided that the eighteen-year-old mentally disabled Dora no longer has to take psychotherapeutic drugs, the young woman begins to blossom. The sedated teenager was never a problem for her surroundings – but new challenges arise when the pleasure-loving young woman discovers her sexuality. The family is threatened to fall apart." in top video format. Download full Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents in Best Quality by visiting the download link.
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... Full Length of Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents in HD Quality 720p ...
Director : Stina Werenfels, Screenplay : Stina Werenfels, Screenplay : Boris Treyer, Theatre Play : Lukas Bärfuss, Director of Photography : Lukas Strebel, Original Music Composer : Peter Scherer, Editor : Jann Anderegg, Costume Design : Gitti Fuchs, Production Design : Beatrice Schultz
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Tags: woman director,
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