Watch Full Pandaga Chesuko in Best Look
Now you can see Pandaga Chesuko in HD video with duration 162 Min and has been aired on 2015-05-29 with MPAA rating is 1.- Original Title : Pandaga Chesuko
- Movie title in your country : Pandaga Chesuko
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Romance, Drama, Family,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-05-29
- Companies of movie : United Movies,
- Countries of movie : India,
- Language of movie : తెలుగు,
- Durationof movie : 162 Min
- Average vote of movie : 8
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Cast of movie :Ram (Karthik), Rakul Preet Singh (Divya), Sonal Chauhan (Anushka), Brahmanandam (Weekend Venkat Rao), Rao Ramesh (Karthik's Father), Pavitra Lokesh (Karthiks mother), Sampath Raj (Bhupati), Raghu Babu (), M. S. Narayana (), Sai Kumar (), Jaya Prakash Reddy ()
Movie synopsis of Pandaga Chesuko :
Full Pandaga Chesuko in Best Video Format with movie summary "The movie starts with Karthik(Ram)who runs a multimillion-dollar company in Portugal living with his family. He meets another rich women Anushka (Sonal Chauhan) for a business deal. They both got engaged but karthik's family was disappointed of this proposal. One of the companies of Karthik gets in to trouble due to a case registered by Green Army headed by Divya (Rakul Preet)against his factory and he heads to India to sort out the issue. being engaged to Anushk, Karthik goes to an extent to impress Divya in an attempt of convincing her to withdraw the case.Karthik reveals his actual purpose of coming to India later as he is the son of Bhupathi's sister, who has been staying away from family for 25 years.Bhupati meets karthik for marriage proposal with Divya. Karthik then goes to her village to reunite the family against all odds and marry Divya. Eventually,karthik (Ram) reunites the family which were separated for 25 years and marries to Divya bringing Pandaga for the family" in top video format. Full Streaming Pandaga Chesuko in HD Video by clicking the download link.
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Writer : Kona Venkat, Director : Gopichand Malineni, Writer : Anil Ravipudi, Writer : Veligonda Srinivas, Music : S. Thaman, Cinematography : Arthur Wilson, Producer : Paruchuri Kireeti
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